
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Poem on Mother's Day by Grade 2


Thank you for giving me birth, and helping me when I’m struggling,

When I was born in a hospital, I felt a touch of a cosy and soft hand,

And when I looked up and saw, it was my mum.

Thanks for giving me birth in this world, and helping me to walk.

Thank you for cleaning my wee’s and poo’s,

And letting me sleep in your bed.

Thank you for helping me learn right and wrong,

And thank you for helping me do everything.

Thank you for making me and helping me walk.

Thanks mum for bathing and feeding me.

Thank you for teaching me how to walk.

Thank you for putting me to bed, whenever I needed to.

And thank you for all your cuddles.

Thank you mum for bringing me home from hospital.

My mummy you are loving and caring.

Thank you mum for giving me a sister.

Thank you mum for helping me to crawl.

When I was born I looked up and saw the beautiful nature.

And thank you mum for giving me my brother in this good world.

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